Roy A. Sandoval

Dr. Ron Rickel

Our Goals:

  1. Build capacity: provide schools or districts with the expertise such that they are able to build, establish and sustain a successful turnaround.  

  2. Establish data points and goals: assist districts and schools in setting and monitoring realistic goals that are measurable and relevant.

  3. Root cause analysis:  assist district leadership in determining what challenges must be overcome to meet goals, therefore allowing them to focus time, energy and resources on the most critical components.

  4. Be there: provide outstanding mentoring and support for district and site leadership, including personal attendance when called upon.

  5. Customer satisfaction: provide support and service in a manner that districts or schools can confidently attest that Southwest School Turnarounds played a pivotal role in their success.

Southwest School Turnarounds

Analyze, Plan, Goal-set, Measure, Succeed, Celebrate!